Thursday, August 02, 2012
President For Dummies
Obamanomics - Really?
Some people wonder what is so bad about the folks currently running our country.
Let me give you my two cents on the subject.
This little game of creating a bill that only the House will pass, or only the Senate will pass, is childish. Our government officials act like they are two years old most of the time.
I have said this before, and I'll say it again. Create bills that are small and do not have a bunch of extra special interest crap in them. One bill, one problem to solve. Get things done and stop trying to make a political statement.
Obamacare is crap legislation, but it does have some good parts to it, and we all agree that things must be done to help improve our healthcare system.
Trash Obamacare, then work on improving the healthcare system a piece at a time, with individual legislation that is void of special interest crap. (Do you see a pattern here?)
My next point. Stop spending money!
We give billions of dollars to other countries constantly. Stop it!
Tell these other free-loaders they're going to have to survive without our money until we get our own house back in order. I suggest they do the same.
Then, only when we have got our act together, and have paid down our debt, and are moving things in the right direction, can other countries reapply to see if we can help them.
They had better have a great reason to ask though, because it's about time they started fending for themselves!
The current administrations plan is to tax the holy bat crap out of people, then give the money to other people. This is a broken thought process. As Mr. Spock would say, That's illogical.
For example I present to you the situation where unions demand higher wages and more freebies from a company for their members. They do this relentlessly and constantly.
Sure their members love all of the cool benefits and higher pay, until the whole thing comes crashing down because they have driven the company out of business.
Nice strategy. It's like a parasite that eventually kills the host.
Employees need to have a more symbiotic relationship with their employers, not a parasitic one.
People need to except the fact that their employers NEED TO MAKE MONEY. This is how our economy thrives, and how they actually got hired in the first place.
Those of you who are too stupid to understand this raise your hand and I'll get a little more detailed for you.
Then the same people complain that companies are moving out of the country, or stashing their funds in offshore accounts.
We have a shortage of companies growing and thriving in this country. It's not because they are run by evil rich people you idiots. These companies are run by business folks who become successful by...wait for it...making money!
If you tax the crap out of them, screw them to the wall for benefits and pay, then tax them again, why the hell should they be in business in the first place?
Have many American people (Yes I'm talking to those who support Obama) become so blind that they actually believe that the policy to spend more money then we have, then try to tax every last ounce of income from the people who have made this country great, is a winning policy?
Obama's administration has spent more money then they have taken in. This does not mean that they need to take in more. There is no more folks. We're on the ropes! The only answer is to stop spending money.
All of the people getting food stamps, free health care, free education, free government loans to research the mating habits of the South-American Swamp Rat, need to be cut off.
The way our country is designed there are those that have worked hard and have money to show for it, and those that are free-loaders and just whine because they are not getting even more free stuff from the government.
You are not entitled to have the government take care of everything for you. Work hard, or live like someone who doesn't.
We should go to a flat-tax system where everyone pays a percentage of their income. No loopholes, no sneaky back room deals to get out of it. Everyone pays "their fair share".
All of the leeches will cry, but this is THE ONLY FAIR WAY TO TAX PEOPLE. Poor folks will pay very little, and rich folks will pay in a ton of money.
People ask why I don't want another four years of Obama. It's because his plan is to tax people more, then distribute the money to who he wants to help. I have news for you, it's not the American people.
Is Mitt Romney any better?
Every four years it's a crap shoot. When Barak Obama was elected I hoped he would do what he promised, and yet he let down the country. Many people who were behind him, and helped him get elected, have realized what a mistake it was.
Someone should have given him a "President For Dummies" book.
I don't know if Mitt Romney will do what is needed to turn this country around, but he is a businessman, and understands finances and dealing with money issues much better then Barak Obama ever has.
If President Obama was hired to run a company, he would have been fired for how he has run this country. I'm willing to let someone else give it a try. I hope it can't be any worse.
Wednesday, March 07, 2012
Give It To Your Woman!
Original article can be found at, Pants' washing instructions read 'Give it to your woman'
Recently I engaged in a discussion on a friends Facebook page about the sexist message in this label. Below is the conversation and how it spun rapidly out of control... I have left out everyone else's comments except the woman I was debating with.
We have continued our discussion as Facebook messages, and I have removed any of the more personal comments that have no place in the discussion.
Me: Very amusing! As a society we still need to laugh at ourselves and things like this. Clearly this was meant to be funny, and not to offend.
Aubrey: I don't think it's very funny at all. Sad that this is still publicly acceptable. Can you imagine KFC putting a sticker on a bucket of fried chicken that read, "Feed it to black people." Sad that it's socially acceptable to be sexist and that people who are offended are "not good at taking jokes."
Me: I believe intelligent people know the difference between an intentional hurtful racist comment such as your KFC example, and a joke about our past when women were stereotyped in this manner. If anyone these days thinks that women should be "barefoot and pregnant", or their role is to only stay at home and do house work, they're not sexist, they're idiots. As a society we have thankfully moved past this stereotype for women, and African-American's in your example. Insulting a group intentionally is still not appropriate, but laughing about our horrible past can sometimes be a part of healing as a country.
Aubrey: Simplistic and overused gender stereotype... just don't find it very funny. It's not much of a reach or a very sophisticated joke if you ask me. And of course, when it comes to females, it seems not to be egregious. But not with race, because it's more socially acceptable to be sexist than it is to be racist. I dont' think this joke is meant to laugh about a horrible past, especially when that past isn't past at all. And if you do think it's in the past, watch a few laundry commercials and tell me if you see a theme.
Me: Not to be hurtful, but some people take things way to personally. Becoming so offended over something like this should cause you to look at yourself, and why you find this so personally offensive. Most women don't need you to fight this issue for them, so why then are you? We see this type of behavior when minorities view everyone is against them because of their status. If someone doesn't get promoted it's because they are black, or a woman, or gay, or a Mormon. It's never because they just were not the best choice. (Granted sometimes racism and sexism do play a role, but not as much as people try and push it). You can find something distasteful to your own personal thoughts, which is perfectly acceptable. When you abuse the thing and cry sexism that must be stopped at all costs for the good of everyone, you have slipped over the edge of sanity just a tad. :)
Aubrey: Also not to be hurtful, but coming from a white man who rests at the upper echelon of the hierarchy in most of the world, I'm going to stick to my previous comments. Sexism and racism play a socially institutionalized role and I think you downplay their effects. Have a great day! :)
Me: And there it is. I'm white, and a male, so I have caused everyone in the country from not succeeding. Based on our current president, those types of excuses are rapidly losing traction. Enjoyed the conversation. Thank you for the chance at verbally fencing with you. :)
Aubrey: No, I don’t' think your personal life is responsible for people not succeeding. I am merely saying that privileges afforded to you for being male and white (and presumably heterosexual) are things that a lot of people don't have. And usually, one who has these privileges doesn't realize it. (BTW- If having a black president has taught us anything, it should be that it hasn't done anything to change the black/white gap in this country. E.g.: White wealth to black wealth is 20:1 Also enjoy myself a debate--back to work now, I promise. Just didn't want my statements to be mischaracterized.
Me: Do you think the fact that 63.7% of American's are White might have something to do with these numbers? I'm just saying... My "privileges" were hard earned. I joined the Air Force and put in over 20 years. While in the Air Force I went to school and got my Bachelor's degree so when I got out I could get a decent job. ANY American can have the SAME privileges I have if they would just get off their butt and quit whining about it! My skin color or sex had zero to do with my success in life. Granted if you're 40 and have not done a damn thing but live with your mom and complain about life, you might have a harder time. Then again, that would not be societies fault, but yours. Point blank, if you live in America and work hard, you will be fine. If you instead sit back and whine that you don't get the same opportunities as your neighbor, I have no sympathy for you. If you're lucky I'll toss you a box of Kleenex.
Aubrey: I am a statistician, so these numbers that are shown here should be explained and interpreted as though there were equal numbers of the population who identified as white and black. That is, the average wealth figure calculated takes into account that there are more whites than blacks, and it also takes into account outliers, rendering your point about there being more white Americans a misunderstanding of statistics.
That is what I was talking about when I said that privileges accrued by those who are most privileged in society go unnoticed. For instance, America was built and operated for 330 years under laws that were essentially forms of affirmative action for white men. This is not an opinion. White men were given opportunities that many other minority groups were not. This allowed them and generations like them to build wealth (i.e. OWN things such as property, which are typically passed down from one generation to another). This is not to mention the many laws (HOLC being a powerful one), which enabled whites to move to suburban areas and apply for federal funds to improve their properties, while blacks were left in greatly segregated center cities. Following the white flight of the cities, were businesses… and jobs!
Better neighborhoods also equal better educational resources. Thus, many whites, me included, have had excellent PUBLIC educations. Primarily due to the fact that a lot of school funding is garnered from property taxes.
Access to excellent education opens the door to a lot of other opportunities: emphasis on post-secondary education is one.
I urge you to read this checklist of white privledges afforded to you every day if you think that everyone, regardless of their minority status, has the same opportunities that you do. Your approach is very individualistic, and it completely neglects the many centuries of institutionalized racism, sexism, homosexism, etc. upon which this country was founded. It troubles me that you credit failure to attain the American Dream to one’s laziness. It communicates to me that you do not blame any of the many institutions in this country, which make it difficult to obtain success.
Sorry for the longer response! I welcome any sort of intelligent discussion. A little bit about my credentials—I am a doctoral student who studies political sociology and the sociology of race. I also happen to teach at Temple University—one course being Gender in America.
Me: As far as statistics go, I won't even entertain the discussion on statistics. They can be twisted in a thousand different ways and it's a futile argument. Anyone can whip out statistics to make their point. An example is in the book, "The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster" the author uses statistics to prove that the declining number of pirates has resulted in cooler temperatures, showing that correlation does not imply causation. (That last line was pulled from Wikipedia)
I definitely agree that this country has been built on the backs of the minorities, whether black, white Native American, or women. I'm actually appalled that this stuff goes on today, and I know that it does, especially in the South still.
My point is not necessarily that folks are lazy, but the ones who are better motivated can, and do, find ways to better their position in our society.
No society is perfect. Looking around the world there is no utopian culture. Even primitive tribal people have there "pecking orders" in their own way. The amazing thing about this country is that anyone with a half a brain can overcome their station in life and work hard to get out of a bad situation.
Unfortunately kids in lower income level areas have a harder time, and don't get the knowledge that they CAN get out of their situation with hard work. Most are content to hang out at their rung on the ladder. Then as they grow older, it's suddenly the rest of us that is oppressing them.
Are there people in this country that still have a hard time advancing do to idiotic people who are biased? Most definitely. Will we ever see a time where this is not a reality. Most definitely not.
There are many well-meaning people in the world that are trying to change this, but unfortunately it's like trying to clean up an avalanche with a snow shovel. You might make a little path where you are, but you will never stop the problem.
This doesn't mean we shouldn't try. Those of us who are not bigoted teach our children to be the same way. I'd like to think this country is getting better, and from what I see it truly is.
In the end, the ONLY way for people to get ahead in life is to work hard at climbing that ladder and show their kids what hard work can do for them.
It's not a magic wand, but it's the tools we have to work with.
I will oppose anyone who is blatantly racisit, sexist, etc... I will not, however, attack people who are trying to lighten a topic through humor. As long as the humor is not meant to be hurtful.
Aubrey: I'll just address the point on statistics... feeling the need to defend them (as it looks like on most cases, we will not agree--I am staunchly sociological, and your view is much more individualistic)! That is called a confounding variable. These statistics that I showed you are not implying causation, so I'm not sure why you brought that up :) Statistics, done well, are excellent quantitative tools. The problems with most data, and this is what I emphasize to my students, have to do with their methodology. It is crucial to be critical of the methodological approaches taken by those who publish statistics. The Pew Foundation is one of the most reputable sources for data out there (I can't say the same for wikipedia!)
Me: LOL True about Wikipedia, but the reference I used from them was for the book, and I just wanted to give credit for the line I used from them. I definitely would not use Wikipedia as a reputable source for anything.
You're correct though. We're getting into the area that we will just agree to disagree.
I want to thank you for the discussion, however. I love having to think through topics, and also when someone makes me think about one of my positions.
You will always be welcome to comment on any of my articles. I write them specifically to try and get a reaction from people. :)
Aubrey: Likewise, enjoyed the challenge! Have a great weekend!
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Politics and Common Sense
I realize the two terms seem at odds with each other, but let me explain where I am going with this. During President Trump’s ter...
