Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Politics and Common Sense

  I realize the two terms seem at odds with each other, but let me explain where I am going with this.

  During President Trump’s term so far, the Left has literally been attacking him and his family every second of every day.

  Don’t fact check that Lefties, it was an obvious over exaggeration, but you folks will try to use it against me.  That’s how you roll.

  Let me start this by stating what I do often.

  President Trump is an arrogant, self-absorbed, egotistical, womanizing, unfaithful, liar.  The sad part is, this describes so many politicians.

  Successful people tend to be very arrogant, self-absorbed and egotistical. It’s the belief in themselves so strongly that propels them to the front of the pack.

  Let’s face it, the introverted, frightened, and paranoid folks just can’t cut the high-pressure of a position that is very stressful. You can whine about it all you want, but high-powered leaders got there from overpowering their rivals.

  At this point we probably ALL agree with the above.  If you’re one of the ones who do not, you might be extremely optimistic or just very naive.

  Since that has been explained, let’s move along.

  When discussing anything political on social media the Left inundate people by cut and pasting article after article from Left-leaning media vomiting it up as facts.  These are “facts” usually skewed by the author of the article to support their viewpoint.

  The “common sense” term for this article is my 10,000 foot viewpoint of what is going on in politics and the country. Again, an over exaggeration, I am not actually at 10,000 feet looking down.

  Trying not to confuse the Left.

  You see, I too can waste time going out and finding a bunch of Right-leaning articles to bolster my side of the fence. This would just be ridiculous.  This is an exercise in futility.  I don’t have the time to waste on such an endeavor.

  I love the phrase, “I have neither the time, nor the crayons, to explain this to you.”

  Let me start my 10,000 foot explanation for an item that is in the news front and center right now.

  Building a wall.

  The Left state that a wall will make no difference and not work.  It is medieval, immoral, and ineffective.

  Really?  I could go dig and find all sorts of data that prove your statements as idiotic, but instead let’s keep the explanation very simple.

  Why do you have a locked door on your home?

  If you think a physical barrier is ineffective and immoral, I challenge you to remove your front door from its hinges, and place a sign outside explaining that your home is unsecured and you will not prosecute anyone who comes in and lives with you, or steals your property.

  This is exactly what is occurring in our country right now.

  I’m not completely dim, I also realize that we have other issues with people overstaying their Visa’s and other sneaky ways that they enter our country.  We cannot begin to fix other immigration issues without first beginning to plug the holes.

  Let’s use another “common sense” example here.

  If you’re in a boat, and hit something in the water that creates a hole in the hull causing water to come rushing in.  No matter how much water you scoop out of the boat, more will keep coming in.  The smart thing to do would be to fix the hole first, then start removing the water that has come in.

  We need to stop the influx of people flooding into this country.  That way, when we remove the undesirables (mainly criminals) they don’t just come back in to the country the next day.

  Moving on to President Trump's past.

  People have screamed about how he had bankrupted businesses. Welcome to the world of high-stakes investments. He is a businessman who runs a multi-million dollar company. It’s incredible that people are digging deep and coming up with the dumbest things that he has done.

  My 10,000 foot view is that most high-level businesses do things that piss off people. In addition to providing many jobs, at times they also remove many jobs.  It’s called doing business.  Some companies and investments succeed, some don’t.

  Oh yes, and companies skirt the tax laws and manipulate them to the fullest extent.

  What’s your point when bringing up these things?

  Another issue from his past is cheating on his wives.  Although I don’t condone this behavior, and it speaks a lot to his character, it’s really none of my business.

  If you removed from office everyone who cheated on their spouse you’d probably be surprised at how vacant our government would be.

  Again, that’s horrible to realize, but it’s the truth. I could fact check the tons of government officials who have got caught doing this, but just watch the news.  These things come up all the time.

  Personally, him cheating on his wife, or paying for hookers at one time or another, is an issue for him, his family, and his belief system. If he’s not getting blowjobs from his aid in the oval office (cough...Bill Clinton) then it’s irrelevant to his current position as our President.


  The comments that President Trump is racist are ridiculous!

  Granted there are questionable practices in his past where he apparently made business decisions based on race.  Those were long ago when the country was not near as educated and accepting to minorities.

  In my view he has made large strides to correct that type of thinking, along with all other industries across the entire spectrum.  We all saw this occur while watching television.  Shows went from mostly caucasian actors to an increase in strong female roles, and the inclusion of all minorities.

  Once again I ask, what has he done recently to be considered a racist?  What accusations can you bring within the past 10 years or so supporting this claim?

  It’s interesting that the minority communities are rallying around our President because of his success in increasing jobs and wages for all Americans.  He is also a big supporter of our law enforcement community which helps lower income communities feel safer.

  I heard just this morning that even Chicago is beginning to get ahold of their violence issues by removing large numbers of illegal weapons and criminals off of the streets.

  When our law enforcement feels supported by the government, both state and federal, they are emboldened to do their job better.

  This holds true with our military as well.  When their Commander in Chief is not kissing the butts of our enemies, but rather hanging tough with other leaders, it does wonders for their morale and desire to defend this country.

  Transitioning to world events, we have seen the President bring home many Americans that were jailed in other countries.

  We have seen him no longer allow the United States to hemorrhage money to other countries for no reason.

  When he draws a line in the sand he stands by it!

  When other countries attack him for wanting to pull back the money the United States is providing them for virtually little benefit to us, he stands his ground until they come around and negotiate a deal.

  Check out North Korea!  He went after them and the result is they have stopped provocative missile launches and threats to the rest of the world!  This, in itself, was an amazing accomplishment!

  I’m going to get in trouble with a lot of you now, but it has to be covered.

  Many ladies have a hatred for Donald Trump.  Why?

  The huge outcry seemed to have exploded when the tape was released where he was heard to state how he treated women.

  This hit a nerve from every women who has ever been wronged by a man.  The really sad part of our reality, is a large number of men are ass-hats.  They think they can use and abuse women at any cost.  Unfortunately this has left a large percentage of the female population very bitter toward all men.

  When that tape surfaced of him blatantly talking about taking advantage of women the fuse was lit, and is still burning bright!

  The majority of men in this world talk about women, but a large number of women talk about men as well.  Let’s face it, almost all women I know droll over the sexy firemen holding puppies calendar.

  Men and women should be respectful of one another.  However, what is said in a private setting should not be used against someone.  This is why we have privacy laws, and why many people freak out that Amazon Alexa might be listening to their home conversations.

  I can just about guarantee that if many of you were recorded 24/7 there is a large number of things you would not want released to the public.

  Basically, women get dressed all sexy to be near billionaires, I’m not really surprised by the outcome. Does it make it right?  No. But if you feed alligators you’re increasing your risk of getting bit by one.  Common sense.

  This is dragging on, so let me end this simply by asking the Left.  What has President Trump done SINCE BEING ELECTED that you feel disqualifies him to lead our country?

Politics and Common Sense

  I realize the two terms seem at odds with each other, but let me explain where I am going with this.   During President Trump’s ter...