I can’t sit back and listen to the sad story of the Virginia Tech slaughter without making my own comments.
The thing that makes my comments different from the news is that I am not going to try and place the blame for this on anyone but the shooter.
Before the smoke even cleared the President of Virginia Tech, Charles Steger, was chastised for not warning the rest of the students after the first shooting earlier in the morning.
There was no reason to warn everyone because two people were shot. In case you have been living under a rock, and I find that many people seem to these days, there are shootings that take place on any given day in most cities across our country. They just happen so frequently that it’s not major news.
Check out the police blotter in your city sometime to get a little dose of reality. This is why you don’t flip people off on the freeway, or venture into areas where scary folks are hanging out.
The simple fact is, after the first shooting took place, there was no clue that more were on the way. The police were on the scene and they did not think to raise the alarm campus-wide as well, and they are the professionals!
Next, for all of the folks who think the guns were the problem, chill out just a tad. There are millions of guns in this country, but not millions of Virginia Tech incidents.
There is talk tonight, after the multimedia package that the gunman left has been gone through, that it shows obvious signs that this was going to happen. News commentators site that because he did not speak to people, wrote disturbing things, and was angry all the time, this should have been prevented.
What they don’t offer is how. Shall we imprison everyone who writes dark things? Is it time to begin arresting people just because we know they’re going to do evil? How the heck do you know!!! What trial is done that will dig into everyones medical records and personal writings? Is it time to start listening to people who rat-out there friends and lock people up because they just don’t look or act like everyone else?
We have all seen, and known, creepy people in our lives. I have crossed their paths through my entire life, whether in school or at work. As far as I know nobody I have known has ever ended up doing something like this. Should I have turned them in and ruined their lives because I suspected them being a tad nutty? I think not.
It’s time for everyone to take a step back, take a deep breath, and approach this incident from reality and not stupidity.
I am truly saddened for those who have lost someone in this terrible action by an obviously evil man. This does not mean that I am willing to jump on any of the current bandwagons to condemn someone for this clowns actions. It was not the fault of the Virginia Tech President, it is not the fault of the guns he used, it is not the fault of his doctor, it is not the fault of and system. IT IS NOBODY’S FAULT BUT THE PERSON WHO PERFORMED THE DEED.
You are NEVER going to be able to predict every type of these actions. The unfortunate truth is that the only time you can catch these people is when they stray and do bad things.
Perhaps the one thing I will agree on, is that if someone is diagnosed as being harmful to either themselves, or others, they should not be allowed to obtain a weapon through legal means. Will this prevent them from getting a weapon? Perhaps, or perhaps not. It may slow them down or possibly even prevent something like this altogether.
Before you respond to this story, and tell me I’m wrong because you blame something or somebody, you’d better have some facts to back up your statement, or you might as well just crawl back under your rock.
A disturbed killer is gone, and the only bright spot in this incident is that he took his own life so we don’t have to subject the country to years of him in court, or the expense it would incur. It’s going to get enough press as it is.
Let these people rest in peace, remember them, mourn their passing, and then move forward.
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